We're Doomed: Are we still doomed?

Super Tuesday has come and gone...and largely there aren't a lot of surprises. The trends from the last two weeks continues:
 Republicans Melting Down like a cheap fondue
  • THE DONALD has now fought with the Pope, took days to disavow an endorsement from the KKK, endured insults to his sexual prowess and endowment, had to talk about the lawsuit he is facing for TRUMP University....and is now an even bigger front runner than before. 
  • In the primary/cacuss system, very few states are winner-take-all, where the nominee hopeful takes all of the votes from that state. Instead, they are broken down by percentages, with a bottom end threshold needed to get the minimum number of delegates. There are some large winner-take-all states coming up (Florida), but it is nearly mathematically impossible for Cruz or Rubio to catch THE DONALD, without THE DONALD all of a sudden getting less than 15% of the vote for the rest of the primary.
  • Rubio did so poorly, and got so few delegates (82) on Super Tuesday, that he is all but out of the race. His only reason to hang on at this point is to hope for a brokered conention, much like John Hines from The West Wing (note: did not work out well for Hines).
  • The current people in positions of influence of the Republican party, like Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and Mitt Romney are running around like chickens who's heads were cut off 20 years ago and they still haven't realized it. They are openly talking about not supporting THE DONALD if he wins and insinuating that the party may splinter. They appear to not be taking into account that it is members of the Republican party who are voting for THE DONALD. So...#leadership?
 Goodnight, Sweet Bern
  • Bernie Sanders has told us we need a revolution, and he's the guy to do it. The Democratic Party voters have told him "No Thanks!" HRC is going to be the Democratic nominee, I'd guess there's backchannel conversations about how the Bern can gracefully leave the race.
  • Next question for the Dems: Who will HRC pick as VP? (fingers crossed for Cory Booker or Elizabeth Warren). How will she go after Trump?
  • Oh yeah: and did she knowingly email top secret, secret, or confidential information using her person account? If she did: Did this information end up with people it shouldn't have? Is she going to face charges? http://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/04/02/396823014/fact-check-hillary-clinton-those-emails-and-the-law

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