We're Doomed: Hilary Clinton (HRC) vs. Trump edition

If you just finished reading my "We're Doomed: Donald Trump" edition, welcome: it gets worse.

Hillary Clinton is going to beat Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination, he's made a great run, but is going to get stampeded on Super Tuesday. He may hang around for a while but won't mathematically be able to catch HRC.

Should any bias creep in: I have campaigned against HRC, and find her to be an un-likeable and un-charismatic candidate. I think she has gravitas, and experience, but am unsure if she is well suited t be President. She is probably the best of the remaining presidential candidates for both parties, but in addition to everything I just listed she has one major flaw: her use of email.

HRC was the Secretary of State for the US from 2009-2013. In this period of time she oversaw a period of massive global change and unrest. Regardless of your view on her handling of situations like Arab Spring, Benghazi, National Security, Drones, Espionage, etc....there are a few things that, if established as fact, will absolutely make her un-electable:

  • She sent email, from her personal account, that contained sensitive government information. There is debate about whether or not the information was labelled classified at the time, the FBI is currently investigating. 
  • If this information was found to be classified, and HRC used her personal email to communicate it, she will likely be in legal trouble.
  • Even without the legal trouble, it will be unlikely that she can be elected because of: Virginia (13), Pennsylvania (20), Ohio (18), Florida (29), and Colorado (9), let's call them the big five.
Why these states? Because they are the most likely states to be unpredictable right up to the election. Essentially I could list right now which party each state is going to vote for President (Win=270. Republicans: 217, Democrats: 232, big five: 89). These states don't have the demographics that usually favour the Democratic Party (age, education, race), they are largely blue collar, older, Caucasian, with various degrees of education. That demographic usually votes Republican.
(I am aware these are big, sweeping statements about areas with vast diversity in every county, but by and large I think I am capturing the majority of the population in these states)

With THE DONALD's essentially unlimited budget, and his now proven ability to pummel another candidate as he did to Jeb! Bush, giving him actual facts about a Presidential Candidate committing illegal acts with National Security information...I don't see how HRC would be able to move from 232 electoral college votes to 270. Even moving Pennsylvania and Colorado, the most reliably Democratic of the five, into her column still leaves DRC 9 electoral college votes short, with none of the remainder likely to go her way.

We're doomed.

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