We're Doomed: Yup!

More US States voted to select their Republican and Democratic preference for nominee over the weekend. Quick recap:

Hilllary Clinton (HRC) is still 100%, definitely, absolutely going to be the nominee for the Democratic party. It might be worthwhile to start thinking about who her Vice President will be. A couple things that she may be thinking about:
  1. Who is she comfortable having take over for her if she passes away while in office?
  2. Will the attract support she doesn't already command? 
  3. Who can she select that will make a natural Presidential candidate in 8 years?
  4. Who can attack the Republicans while she stays out of the mud?
  5. Who can she find that balances her weaknesses and strengths? Alternatively: Who can she find that will reinforce her strengths?
The answers to question 2 and 5 are intriguing and related to me. She doesn't poll spectacularly well with Liberals and the far left. She doesn't poll spectacularly well with blue-collar men, and she doesn't do spectacularly well with a younger demographic.
The answer to question 3 seems to be Warren and Booker (to me, anyway), both of whom would do well in addressing her weaknesses as well. Alternatively she may turn to someone with a military background or a strong tie to that community (like Jim Webb). I don't see her going with an older white male. The former mayor of San Antonio, Castro, gets mentioned in this debate publicly, but I don't know enough about him to comment.

Meanwhile let's catch up with the Republican Primary:
 Cruz "won" two states and Trump "won" two states. The updated delegate count:
Trump - 384
Cruz - 300
Rubio - Michael Jordan crying face emoji (151)
Kasich - 37

Although it looks close between Cruz and Trump, it is REALLY hard to close a gap of any kind as almost every state awards delegates proportionally to percentage of vote, and Trump polls between 25-35% of support basically everywhere. Expect Cruz, Rubio and Kasich to all pick up more delegates than Trump this week, as each of their home states vote and a couple are winnter-take-all for delegates. Expect this to not impact Trump maintaining his lead, but potentially not getting the 1,237 delegates he needs.

update: Gawker.com implicitly agrees with my premise. http://gawker.com/ted-cruz-please-help-us-we-have-no-idea-how-to-stop-d-1763284642

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