We're Doomed: Keep on Dooming.

Still doomed. Very, very doomed. Not just talking about my March Madness Bracket. Doom. I'm still going to use humour in this, but the recent violence around Trump Rallies has moved this into the "Are Americans about to start attacking eachother in the street" on a large scale category. Between Black Lives Matter, and the violence/anger of the Trump candidacy...it's scary. Here's hoping sanity is on the way.
(Inside joke for my Obama campaign friends: Any chance that Jason Green/Paul Tewes/Jeremy Bird/Joy/Maggie/Jack/Homer/Katy/etc are going to save us?)

Donald Trump needs 550 delegates to become the Repulbican nominee, there are 900 delegates left in the remaining Republican Primaries. All his competition has dropped out, except Ted Cruz. Fun Fact: Ted Cruz is not more sane than Donald Trump. No seriously, you're reading this right now thinking "ha ha Robert, Donald Trump is the Mayor of Crazy-Pants-Town", but no: YOU'RE WRONG. Ted Cruz says the same things, maybe a little less misogynistic, but doesn't do it with the style of Trump.

Regardless, Trump would need to get a hair over 60% of the remaining delegates, but since he struggles to get over 40% of the vote, he won't. Cruz has no mathematical path to get the remaining delegates,

So, we're headed to a convention where no candidate has the majority of the Republican delegates and the Republican Party will light it's hair on fire. I'm not sure that's a joke, someone may literally light their hair on fire.

HRC has won the Democratic Primary, "The Media" are just dragging out the Sanders campaign chances so they have something to write about on the Democratic side. The next story to happen here will be her VP choice...I'm keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for Booker. Failing that: Warren. Maybe a successful Latino mayor as third choice?

The biggest story coming after that? The FBI indictment. If it comes, she could face anything from no punishment to a fine and probation to jail time. If it happens, she will get absolutely beat down in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida and Wisconsin. She'll need to win three of those to be President.

I haven't seen any reporting on what happens if she drops out of the race after the conventions mid-summer. I imagine it will be unpleasant.

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