Write a letter or email to the following media outlets:
Guelph Mercury: editor@guelphmercury.com.
Toronto Star: lettertoed@thestar.ca
CBC (editorial): yournews@cbc.ca
Toronto Sun: http://www.torontosun.com/letter-to-editor
National Post: http://www.nationalpost.com/contact/letters/index.html?name=Letters&subject=Letter+to+the+editor
Globe and Mail: letters@globeandmail.ca
Toronto Star: lettertoed@thestar.ca
CBC (editorial): yournews@cbc.ca
Toronto Sun: http://www.torontosun.com/letter-to-editor
National Post: http://www.nationalpost.com/contact/letters/index.html?name=Letters&subject=Letter+to+the+editor
Globe and Mail: letters@globeandmail.ca
Update: If you'd like to tell the Guelph MP Frank Valeriote what you think, contact him at: Frank.valeriote@parl.gc.ca
For a template letter/email to the editor, you can use this if you would like.
For what it's worth, it took me about five minutes to distribute my letter to the editor to each of these sources. The National Post required a "page number". I randomly selected the number 2 and it let me submit.