CTV reporting on the robocalls


There's a comprehensive series of stories covering the Conservative robo-call voter suppression into 18 ridings in Canada. PM Harper states that there may have been "rogue" elements of his party that organized this act of disenfranchising Canadian voters.  From this list of names attached to the company that made the phone calls, here are potentially some campaigns that contain those "rogue" elements (names listed from invoices to Rack9, available on my previous blog post):

Campaign to elect Stephen Harper - Calgary Southwest 

Campaign to elect Rona Ambrose - Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister for Status of Women
Campaign to elect Jason Kenney - Calgary Southeast - Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism
Campaign to elect Ryan Hastman - Edmonton Strathcona
Campaign to elect Leon Benoit - Vegreville—Wainwright
Campaign to elect Laurie Hawn - Edmonton Centre
Campaign to elect Lee RichardsonNorth Battleford
Campaign to elect Devinder Shory - Calgary Northeast

1 comment:

  1. And now Michael Sona, formerly Marty Burke's campaign manager here in Guelph, has resigned from his current job with the Conservative party. Is he the first domino to fall? Or the token scapegoat...
