Thank you Guelph Mercury!

I think the title of this Guelph Mercury editorial misses the mark, but otherwise am appreciative that they posted! Encouraging people to write letters to media and providing a template for those who are not confident or for those who want to have a starting position doesn't strike me as inherently evil and I'm proud to be a member of a group encouraging our community to take action! Our email list also differs from a robocall in that anybody can opt out of it at any time.

So let's not lose focus: the Conservative Party has been caught suppressing the vote and violating our rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Let's encourage Elections Canada to quickly get to the bottom of this and help our media ensure that the process is fair, equitable, and doesn't let the Conservative Party spin machine turn this into a story about dirty tricks. If you feel strongly about this, I continue to urge you to write to the media outlets or elected officials listed in my previous post (using the template provided or not).

UpdateIt's worth noting that they attribute the letter to the Green Party of Canada, while in fact it was from the local Guelph Green Association.

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