We're Doomed: Starting at the beginning.

I'm going to pivot some of my writing to the fun small stories that I think aren't getting much attention that are...intriguing. Or terrifying.

But to start, here's the context that I'm writing from. I think it's important to be transparent with my beliefs, as I'm sure there are people from across the political spectrum who could read this:

  • Trump was accused of sexually assaulting women during a Presidential election and won. It look improbable to impossible that the 12 women who accused him collaborated in any way. These accusations appear to have died out. It's hard to imagine that anything else in this story matters, yet: here we are.
  • Trump is racist. Too many credible, proven examples are readibly available for me to prove any. If you disagree with this, probably stop reading. If you agree with this, and would point out that he won anyway: yup.
  • The question about if Trump voters are racist and mysognistic is complex. I'm confident that many of them aren't knowingly. Similarly confident that their motivations for voting the way they did had nothing to do with offend (see: Trump's campaign manager telling us that Trump's voters knew the difference between what affected them and what offended them). But: If you voted for a racist, mysognistic, alleged sexual assaulter: I don't know how to defend the argument that you have to carry the implications that you're ok with those actions.
So, with those being the (likely) most important things I think about Trump, here are some secondary, yet incredibly powerful things:
  • He's likely to be President. I'm not reading much about a growing community of Republican electors defecting (they need 37, they have 8). The smartest people I know in the Democratic party are spending their time getting ready to win elections at every level in 2018 and 2020.
  • Trump's Presidency puts everything on the table. He risks economic collapse, nuclear war, rise of white supremacy, calamitous climate change, rise of Russian/Iranian/Chinese superpowers, complete rescattering of the current world order.
  • If I learned anything this election, it's that I don't know much. Collectively, we might not know much. What if Trump's actions improve inner cities? What if the likelihood of world peace is increased? If we don't know what Trump is going to do, if Trump doesn't know what Trump is going to do, then how do Terrorists plan to attack? How do the leaders of oppressive regimes prepare to negotiate? 
The sheer scope of the things he puts on the table are overwhelming, and I find impossible to parse. Literally life on Earth as we know it. But...I actually can't say that means it's a worse case scenario in each and every area. We'll find out.

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