We are not doomed: I'm thinking about you

I originally posted this to Facebook, but wanted to leave it here so I could find it again if needed. Maybe some of these words will resonate with you.

I'm thinking about the students I work with and for. I'm particularly thinking about the American students (and colleagues) at Guelph. I hope that, when we wake up tomorrow, we treat each other with compassion, empathy, curiosity and make big checks on our assumptions (e.g: who did they vote for? who did they want to win?) I hope that the American students we have on campus are treated as a valued part of our community, and not asked to explain what happened. I doubt they know. I hope they are not judged or rewarded for the actions of millions upon millions of people they have never met.
And, as I am starting to see across all my social media platforms, I'm thinking about the students not represented by the new president of the USA (essentially, all those who are not white, straight males). I hope that the election of a bigot, a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist and a sexist does not speak to them about their value as a person. I hope it does not affirm or spark similarly hateful beliefs of others.
Finally, I'm thinking about the women in my life, and...not being able to fully wrap my mind around the range of emotions they may be feeling.
For myself, I feel angry. Frustrated. Shocked. I don't understand what appears to be on the verge of happening. Even if Hillary pulls this out, I don't understand the 55 million people who signed off on Trump. This isn't to say that I hold them in contempt or judgement. My anger, frustration and disappointment stem from a belief that I could have done something and did not. I was overconfident. I was wrong. I am disappointed that the progress made in inspiring action in 2008 did not carry over to this election. I hope that instead of rushing to judge and condemn, that we respect and ask. For the people beyond hope, for those who live in the most abject of possible human conditions, I think I can put myself in the headspace where a vote for Trump could be a way forward. For those who are getting by, or even thriving, I'm confused and would love to know why. The words I use to describe Trump are, I'm pretty sure, objectively true. I could support each of them with a statement or action he has made. If they are true, then why cast a vote for him? Because you dislike Hillary? Do you not also dislike Trump? Do you have loyalty to the Republican brand that extends beyond values? Is there something he offered that I missed?
For those of you who are hurting, please take care of eachother. For those of you who are celebrating, enjoy the moment, and see if you can find kindness for those of us who are not. For all of us, keep those who's voices are systemically oppressed in mind, those who could not donate/volunteer/vote/advocate. They were powerless in this, please find respect for that and be mindful in your words.

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