We're Doomed: Cruz-ing for a Dooming

It's time we sat down and had a chat about Ted Cruz. Presented, in no particular order, here are some facts related to or about Ted Cruz the man, the Presidential Candidate his time as a Solicitor General, and his time as Senator:
(I'll provide links, but I promise these are all true)

  • He LEGALLY CHALLENGED human's right to masturbate.
    • “There is no substantive-due-process right to stimulate one’s genitals,” (Cruz, 2007)
  •  Ted Cruz is a Republican Senator. 
  • Another Republican Senator once said "If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you." 
    • Bonus Fact: the Senator was Lindsey Graham, who was also a Presidential candidate at one point in this cycle.
  • Barack Obama spent a LOT of his '08 candidacy and early Presidential years defending the fact that he was American, going to the point of publicly releasing his Birth certificate to combat the so called "Birther" movement.
  • Ted Cruz was, in fact, born in Canada.
  • Ted Cruz wants to deport ALL illegal aliens in the USA. 
    • lesser known candidate DONALD TRUMP. Wants to deport them, but "keep the good ones"
    • This includes people like children of illegal immigrants, who have lived their whole lives in the US.
  • Ted Cruz has stated that having access to abortion is the real war on women.
  • Bills Ted Cruz voted against while in Senate:
    • James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act (gives health care to first responders of 9/11)
    • Disaster Relief Appropriateions Act (provided funds for the disaster of Hurricane Sandy)
    • Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act
    • Employment Non Descrimination Act
    • (All of these passed without his support)
  • Of all Senators between 2012-2016, Senator Cruz had the fewest Democratic Co-Sponsors on legislation he put forward.
  •  Ted Cruz led the 2013 Goverment shutdown
  •  He travelled to Kentucky to demonstrate public support for Kim Davis, the county clerk who refused to issue marraige licenses to homosexual couples after the Supreme Court ruled they could marry across the country.
    • This is the same woman the Pope accidentally met. Oops.
  • He disagress with climate scientific conclusion on climate change.
    • Which, by the way, does agree that the earth's climate naturally cools and heats. Just not at the extreme rates that we have created for ourselves. Sigh, climate change deniers annoy me.
I could go on, but I'll stop and let you draw your own conclusions from this information!

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