Voting Green: Fear based, strategic voting

My sense is this election will boil down to the same choice as the federal election:

1.       Do we want a representative from a party who believes that Government is inherently bad, wastes our money, can’t effectively serve us and should stick to mostly staying out of our way. (Conservative)

2.       Do we want a representative who believes that Government can be inherently good, stand up for those without voices, create a system where jobs are created, children are taught, seniors are cared for and families are able to take care of themselves and their neighbours? (Progressive parties: Green, Liberal, NDP)

In the Federal election, the choice was resoundingly to reject the Conservative option and choose the progressive candidate who was well liked AND appeared to be the most capable of beating the Conservative.

The Provincial election has the same options, but different influences. I have heard rumours that the Green campaign (of which I am not on the leadership team this time around) is going to release polling showing them within the margin of error of the Liberal candidate, with both down a handful of percentage points to the Conservative candidate. For the first time, Guelph can be empowered to vote Green not only because they represent better ideas and better leadership, but because they are the progressive party most likely to beat the Conservatives. People who traditionally vote conservative may fear a Liz Sandals re-election and in a few weeks become worried that Mr. Schirk won’t make it. They too may end up being pushed in the Green direction.

I personally reject fear based voting and think you should vote for the party that best represents the kind of leadership and problem solving you want to see. With that said, if you are a person who subscribes to fear based, strategic voting, then now is the time for you to make history by electing Ontario’s first Green MPP.


  1. So I finally found your blog spot.... your picture...You know they do generally have megaphones at large events....this is probably why you always lose your voice.

    Annoying Australian

  2. When was the last time I lost my voice!!?
