Voting Green: GPO means jobs

The Green Party has the most forward thinking and creative job creation strategy of all the parties that balances the budget by 2015. The plan boils down to a very simple philosophy: If we reduce personal and business taxes, than individuals and businesses will have more incentive to save. As they save, they will be able to put more money into innovation, research and ultimately invest money in job creation.

This requires an incremental process that does two things:
1)      Reduce personal income tax and business tax. This will result in more money in the pockets of people who currently make an income or own a small business.
2)      Increase tax on pollution (carbon).
a.       This process would happen gradually, with relief for people with low income, seniors and rural areas.
b.      Every penny charged in a carbon tax will be offset by income and business tax cuts and WILL NOT go to increase government spending

This will allow each individually to have more control over how much money they give to the government. If you want to drive a car that has a lower mile per gallon rating or you want to buy and old house and not take advantage of the Green proposed tax incentives to renovate it for energy efficiency: You can. If you want to drive a smarter car, take transit, live in an energy efficient home then you get to save more of your money.

The best thing about this process is we won’t even be pioneers, we know it works because we’ve seen it start to work in Nordic countries and even in BC. It’s only the stubbornness and paralysis of our current political leadership that prevents us from getting there.

To read more details about the GPO job creation strategy, check out:

What does this mean for Guelph?
More jobs. More job security. More money in our pockets.

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