Thank you MPs May and Valeriote

Thank you Mr. Valeriote and Ms. May,

I’ll be the first person to admit that I have not voted Liberal, nor do I intend to in the near future, but I greatly appreciate the actions you are taking by supporting the actions being taken to block the budget implementation bill (bill C-38) in parliament. 

The Conservative Government attempt to put through one budget bill that re-write or eliminates 68 other bills is unethical and exemplifies a style of politics that turns people off of government. Opaquely trying to change the way we care for our seniors, protect our environment and take care of those among us who are unable to take care of themselves will not encourage more Canadians to help solve problems. Changing the will of a majority government is nearly impossible, but doing nothing show Canadians that politics doesn’t matter. 

I believe that politics does matter. I believe our politicians should act in a way that encourages reasonable debate before taking action. I believe that by supporting the hundreds of amendments that are being created for bill C-38, you are showing that you are willing to make politically risky decisions in order to do the right thing. 

Thank you.

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