Thank you MPs May and Valeriote

Thank you Mr. Valeriote and Ms. May,

I’ll be the first person to admit that I have not voted Liberal, nor do I intend to in the near future, but I greatly appreciate the actions you are taking by supporting the actions being taken to block the budget implementation bill (bill C-38) in parliament. 

The Conservative Government attempt to put through one budget bill that re-write or eliminates 68 other bills is unethical and exemplifies a style of politics that turns people off of government. Opaquely trying to change the way we care for our seniors, protect our environment and take care of those among us who are unable to take care of themselves will not encourage more Canadians to help solve problems. Changing the will of a majority government is nearly impossible, but doing nothing show Canadians that politics doesn’t matter. 

I believe that politics does matter. I believe our politicians should act in a way that encourages reasonable debate before taking action. I believe that by supporting the hundreds of amendments that are being created for bill C-38, you are showing that you are willing to make politically risky decisions in order to do the right thing. 

Thank you.

Unethical, lying, cheating Conservative Party

I am for smart, conservative fiscal party. I am for having a government that stays out of my personal life. I am for a government that protects the oppressed and gives voice to the disenfranchised. I am for a government that is willing to make difficult or unpopular choices now that will benefit my family for generations.

It has become shockingly, egregiously clear that the Conservative Party of Canada is the antithesis of that.

Here are some quotes from the last month or so of news:

On changing the definition of EI:
"There is no bad job. The only bad job is not having a job." - Finance Minister Flaherty
Response: Why not create a system where skilled workers have easier access to skilled jobs, as opposed to pushing them into minimum wage, low-skill or poor work environments? Won't this create the next major brain drain?

On cutting the National Round Table of the Environment
 “It should agree with Canadians. It should agree with the government. No discussion of a carbon tax that would kill and hurt Canadian families.”" - Environment Minister Kent
Response: Government agencies should only create reports, research and knowledge that agree with the government and Canadians? I'm not 100% sure what this means, but it seems to be supporting a culture where we are looking for the easiest and expedient solution, not the best one.

On pushing through the 475 page budget implementation bill without amendments and minimal discussion
“We see the results of delay and inaction in Europe today so I encourage the opposition to be wary of counterproductive political theatre at this serious and fragile time.”  - Finance Minister Flaherty
Response: This bill rewrites 68 other pieces of legislation that have no linear connection to the budget. The Conservative Government limited debate to seven speaking days. If we want to change the way we discuss and protect the environment in this country (as is severely changed in this bill), why not allow some room for a national conversation between our elected leaders?

On breaking Election law in 2006
"Every single Conservative accused of wrongdoing has been cleared today," spokesperson Fred DeLorey
Response: The Conservative party made a plea bargain admitting their guilt in spending more money than was legally allowed in the election, how is anyone involved cleared of wrongdoing?

And More..
A computer in the Guelph Conservative 2011 campaign office has been identified as the computer that ordered the infamous Guelph robocalls disenfranchising voters.
Our International Development Minister, Bev Oda, upgraded to a very upscale hotel in London, England at unacceptable cost to taxpayers. 
Our Defence Minister has been caught lying to Parliement twice about the cost of both the F35's and the military's mission in Libya.

Action you should take:
If you share the values I expressed above, the next time we face an election: Look for the party that shares those values with you. It's become clear it isn't the Conservatives.


2 cents on GPO Strategy for Kitchener Waterloo by-election

There's lots of conversation about what the GPO should do with the upcoming by-election in KW. Here are some thoughts:

-No matter the results of this election, the balance of power in Queens Park will stay the same
-It's likely that the Liberal candidate will be the significant frontrunner, given polling data and the demographics of the riding
-Due to problems with financial filings from many years ago, the GPO has not been allowed to establish a CA in KW.
-The First Past the Post Voting system is a fundamental problem in our democracy, but is nearly impossible to make a campaign issue out of and can realistically only be addressed by a party in power.


  • Find a credible candidate in KW (maybe growing on the credible candidate tree?). This is likely to be challenging but not impossible.
  • Raise a ton of money from around the province to get a 75K+ campaign pulled together
  • Recruit volunteers from London, Hamilton and Guelph to knock doors
  • Recruit volunteers from around the province to make calls
  • #Bebold with the ideas we talk about. Unabashedly be ourselves in what we represent
  • Regularly complete internal polling on progress in the election
Then...if we show growth up to 15ish percent of the both and begin to appear threatening to the Liberal candidate, negotiate that they table a bill BEFORE election day putting proportional representation forward, have it be something that the NDP would likely support. We then dial down our campaign and maybe even suggest our voters vote Liberal. 

Potential Results:
-A significant issue moves forward, fundamentally changing democracy in Ontario
-We identify thousands of supporters in KW that we can hopefully eventually engage (incrementally)
-Backlash from media/voters over not just straightforwardly running to win
-Develop a reputation for putting solving problems ahead of winning