2011 was a year of significant learning opportunities for
the Guelph Greens. The provincial and federal elections have provided a few key
The Green party in Guelph has not yet
established itself as a credible organization that provides meaningful leadership
in the community.
Guelph is looking for a new kind of leadership.
Both the incumbents were returned in their respective elections, but declining
turnouts and obvious dis-satisfaction voiced throughout the year show us that there
is a need for a strong Green voice talking about the values our organization
operates from.
As we move into the new year, you can expect to see the
leadership of the Guelph Greens move us in new directions. We’ll be asking for
your voices, time, money and leadership to help find ways that our group can
build momentum and make a difference in the lives of people living in the
community. Expect to be asked if you can give a small monthly donation to the
Greens and if there are any challenges in your area that we can help solve.
Expect us to help you ask to be the voice of the organization in advocating for
common sense, meaningful advocacy with issues that will help to create jobs,
improve our health and lay the groundwork for a healthier environment. I continue to choose to be Green because I believe our party is the only organization that can provide a new, transformational leadership style.
Mostly: We to have fun building something powerful! We want
to have bbq’s, play sports, watch movies, have interesting discussions and
enjoy some laughs along the ride.
It’s a great time to be Green!
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