What do Don Cherry and Bill C311 have in common?

Both situations are missed opportunities to demonstrate leadership.

Today, Don Cherry spoke at Mayor Ford's inauguration (http://bit.ly/hFMNq8). In this speech he referred to commie, bike riding pinko`s as a way of discrediting a different viewpoint. 

Similarly, Senator Pamela Wallin (who voted to kill B C-311) wrote a guest editorial for the Guelph Mercury -http://guelphmercury.blogs.com/from_the_editors/- where she asserted that another senator was disingenuous in the way he commented on what happened with the climate change bill.

Both of these situations are examples of what drives me crazy about politics. At some point, someone needs to decide to be the bigger person and act in a way that makes politics about improving our communities. In both situations, these individuals had the chance to talk about issues in a way that improves public discourse, make it ok to have differing opinions and use these opinions to shape solutions. 

If we combined this way of communicating with leaders who take action, we may start to see improvement in some of the critical issues we face.

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