Looking for a New Organization

As some people have started to figure out, I’ve become disconnected with the Green Party, and am ready to try something new, whether it be a political organization or not. I am a big fan of Mike Schreiner, current leader of the GPO, so will spend some time supporting them. Having spent a fair bit of time mulling over why I left the Greens, I’ve come up with this list of what I am looking for -> so if you know of an organization that this list describes, please let me know!

I should say that I have forged some great relationships during my five years in the Green Party of Canada, and am very grateful for that. I am working hard to not talk about the GPC in a negative or bitter way, and am open to the idea that at some point I may feel a connection of some kind with it again.

The organization I’m looking for:

·         Inspires Hope
o   Does something altruistic or noble. Inspires a group of people to move in the same direction towards a barely achievable goal.
o   Operates from a leadership based in optimism and transparency, not fear and nepotism.
·         Believes in action, not talk, as the primary method to engage people
o   Looks like an organization that finds a community problem or issue, solves it and then finds the next problem.
·         Achieves results, commits to learning
o   Shares success stories from the organizations past, and creates internal change based on it’s failures.
·         Has strong volunteer organization fundamentals
o   Including an understanding that people volunteer either because of relationships or to build relationships. This is a higher need for prospective volunteers than policies or projects in an organization.
o   Also including pathways to involvement, with some form of training or support from senior members of the organization.


  1. I take it you were passed over for the green director job??
    And now because of that you are looking for a new federal party?

    What about if may is forced to step down because she is deemed guilty of libel twice and because of that unelectable?
    And barred because of Elections Canada rules?

    Stay tuned !

  2. Hi John,

    I don't really have a comment on Elizabeth, I think the Green Party issues extend beyond her. I'm not really looking for a new federal party...my guess is I'm going to find a group to volunteer with locally (non political).
