The Problem with the Greens

A quick google search of my name or a poke around this blog will probably reveal that I've been pretty involved with the Green Party, both Nationally and in Ontario, BC and Alberta. I've recently taken a pretty big step back from my involvement with the national party, but retain my support from the provincial party.

For those of you that follow polls at all, you might enjoy the site, they do a great job of tracking polling results in Canada. Polls have their flaws, but I think it's fair to say that the downward trend showing for the Green Party of Canada (GPC) reflects that the party is facing problems.

I'm not going to throw stones or rant and rave here. I have a number of people that I consider to be friends and one day hope to be good friends with that are working very hard to grow the party. I will say that I consider the biggest challenge the party is facing is a lack of people doing the work that my friends are doing: Out talking to people, knocking on doors, running events and generally trying to find ways to make their communities better places to live. I'm not sure what the leadership of the party is placing a priority on at the moment, but I hope it's building a narrative of the Green Party being a progressive option for Canada, and training it's members on how to spread that story. I worry that it's on building policy and spending a lot of time trying to be right or smart in the occasional media hit.

1 comment:

  1. the supposed leader is spending lots of members money trying to stop my court appeal from seeing the light of day

    in it she is deemed guilty of libel TWICE

    and when I win she is then ineligible to be a MP
    according to election canada

    she is also ignoring my running against her in SGI,BC...something that will undo her attempts there

    no one from my group will help the greens until we get a real leader

    one with integrity

    stay tuned
