Walman Dr. Street Party: A VERY good day!

The Walman Dr. Street Party happened yesterday, and by any measure it was a success:
-The new Deputy Police Chief came and played about an hour and a half of road hockey
-Neighbours who came to complain about the street being closed or about students ended up staying for a hamburger and to chat
-Around 25 students came out
-Many families came, with about 20 kids
-Students from the University ran a few great activities for kids 
-Students from Katimavik helped with a craft reminding people about Earth Hour
-The Guelph Environmental League had their Earth Hour runner came through to promote Earth Hour
-Mostly: A lot of people who would not otherwise have met came out, grabbed a bite to eat, play a game or two and got to know eachother a little bit.

For anyone that asks me how to grow their volunteer organization, or how to make a small difference in the world, I can't recommend one of these enough. The total cost was less than $500 and it probably took around 20 hours of planning (mostly canvassing the neighbourhood to get support for closing the road).