Two Projects

I’ve found two groups to be involved with, and the process of deciding on both was a lot of fun. It was a great opportunity to reconnect with my values and I appreciate the thoughts that many of my friends passed along while I was looking into it.

Firstly, I’ve joined the Hanlon Creek Business Association. I volunteered with them at a local family festival called Winterfest and enjoyed their leadership talking about how they were a group that didn’t put a lot of stock in meetings but that they loved taking action. Their actions; the events and programs that they run routinely, seem very focussed on connecting families that live in my neighbourhood. I look forward to helping them do that and maybe seeing if there are ways I can help connect students that live in the neighbourhood with the families that are here year round.

For my second trick I’m going to head up the interim campaign team for the Guelph Greens. Friends of mine asked me to help and the work of bringing people together to find a better kind of leadership for Guelph. I retain the issues expressed in previous postings about the leadership of the GPC, and I think there’s room for improvement in defining what the GPO stands for...but I really like Mike Schreiner, Craig Cantin, Becky Smit, Bill Hewitt, etc. who lead the GPO and kind of see parallels between them and the Blue Jays: There’s a lot of potential on the team and it will be fun to watch them try and meet it.